Monday, June 22, 2009

Magandang Tanghali...... Good Afternoon

Our first day here was a really long day. We got to the house and were able to settle in .... but Jeff wanted us to keep moving so that jet lag would not set in so we went over and played with the kids for a while and then went on a tour of the community around the house. There was so much poverty it was heartbreaking at times I felt like crying. The people are so happy and content to be in whatever junk and scraps they can find to build their houses out of. So after a couple hour walking tour of the community and the different buildings that KIM has in the community(which were all erected by short term teams like ourselves) we went back to the house and had dinner (which was delicious ) One of our team members birthday was yesterday so Jeff treated us all to Starbucks and a huge chocolate cake. Then it was bedtime for us. We woke up the morning around 7:30 to have breakfast and start our day in the community helping a woman build a more substantial house. Little did we know that meant the world's worst/slick hill ever and about 600 cinder block and about 40 bags of cement(weighing 90 pounds each) that needed to be toted down this hill. We were all exhausted but toted it all down there in about 3 hours. Then we came back and had lunch (Flipino women are amazing cooks). After lunch some of the team went back to haul gravel and sand in bags as well. All this and it is only 3 in the afternoon. So all in all we are all healthy and happy but very tired. Pictures coming soon! Love you all continue to pray for us!

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