Thursday, March 5, 2009

Pressing On

I just got back from accountability group at the Mooney's house. I had such a wonderful time sharing our weeks and encouraging one another on towards our goals of developing spiritual disciplines. I would have to say that I have grown so much in my appreciation for God's word and have been able to see a consistent growth in my daily time in His word. I realize that even though I see progress that does not mean that I stop there I must continue to press on to greater and greater goals. Every time we get together we share what our goals are. Mine for the next couple weeks are:
1. Memorize the rest of James Chapter 2
2. Develop a more consistent and intentional prayer time and not so much of a pray when I think about it prayer life.

So thanks to all the lovely norco ladies and others who are pushing towards the goal of knowing and loving Christ more!