Sunday, March 30, 2008

What Now?

Wow with graduation around the corner and still not having a clue what I am going to do after graduation life is crazy. I know that I still have two class next spring, but other than that I have no clue. The one thing I am sure of is the fact that my God will provide and lead me where He wants me. For right now I want to focus on possibly doing missions and settle into the thought of life after college (however scary that thought may be). I was blessed the other day to go with my friend and her two kids to a day of pampering. I had a blast and after went to the beach and celebrated a couple birthdays. I love the beach! I love the smell, the sand, the friends, and of course worshipping under the stars !!!!!!!! what more could you ask for! So over all life has been blessed just pray for guidance and wisdom as graduation and a new arena of life approaches. Thanks!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I will tell you what you will be will be living with yo mamma in you cute little purple bed for the rest of your life....hahaha, jk. Hey wanna party?